Plucky Holly Colshannon has a flair for the dramatic, a nose for trouble, and the remarkable ability to smile through any indignity-though her latest assignment is about to test her mettle. Newly "promoted" to crime reporter for the Bristol Gazette, she must shadow the unsmiling (though undeniably delicious) Detective James Sabine through his action=packed days, and then capture all the danger and thrills of a cop's life in a daily column for the rag.
Fun with a capitol "F" applies to this snazzy little novel. There is great over the top befuddling clumsiness that leads to some classic comedy sections. I was laughing and happily sharing the glee with my girls from this book. I love a book with some feisty banter and these two characters just can't seem to ever rub the 'right' way with what they say and do. Great fun in these pages.
- Miss Gevious
- Mon, 09/29/2014 - 17:41
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