BOOK ONE: MAPMAKERS TRILOGY. She has only seen the world through maps. She had no idea they were so dangerous.
First let me say I don't do cartology. And I mean I REALLY don't do cartology. When I got my drivers license at 16 my parents and I realized something critical, I had no clue where I was. At all. I don't mean what continent I was living on, I mean I couldn't navigate my way around Simcoe County...or Barrie...or Midland...or even, sadly, Elmvale. I could see the destination in my mind be it EDHS, the IGA, the Co-op but I had absolutely no idea how to get there. If I was going on a shopping trip to Barrie I'd have to say to my Mom, "Um, which way do I go out the driveway?" Wow, right? Fast forward three years and I'm living in Toronto. Humdinger of a time! True to my ability to 'see the destination' I would 'see' landmarks and know my turns to make. The worst was when I used a big billboard to mark my turn - guess what, they changed the dang billboard and I drove right by! I've worked hard over the years to memorize routes and I'm proud to say within the last year I finally have the difference between Highway 29 and 92 straight in my head. That was a particularly hard one for me! It's funny how despite all the hours travelling in the backseat in our rural Ontario area I never paid enough attention to make maps in my head, but I like to think I was super focused in my head with thoughts of my friends at school, or how to earn enough money for the next tape cassette I wanted for my walkman.
- Miss Gevious
- Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:33
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