Book ReviewDirty Laundry

Reviewer's Rating: 
I truly enjoyed this book...and yet, it failed to rock my world because (see explanation in review).
Tom Doherty Associates, 2006

BOOK TWO: SOFIE METROPOLIS SERIES. Sofie Metropolis is the newest P.I. on the mean streets of Astoria, Queens. She's known for her trademark frappes and her itchy trigger finger. Well, he was trying to kill her at the time . . . and she only hit him in the knee.

Sofie's hot on the trail of a missing pet ferret and a missing dry cleaner. According to his furious wife, Aglaia, Uncle Tolly was acting odd right before he disappeared. The proof? The brand-new Mercedes Tolly just bought. And the business's books, which show that Uncle Tolly was laundering more than just clothes for the mob.

Mob boss Tony is very taken with Sofie. Too bad she won't back off the money-laundering and kidnapping (or is it murder?) investigation.   Meanwhile, hunky Australian bounty hunter/man of mystery Jake Porter is hanging around again but Sophie's too busy to notice.  Too busy: being attacked by a malevolent dry-cleaning bag; bailing Aglaia out of jail; airing out her apartment after an assault by noxious dog-farts; and working a cheating spouse case on her own father. 

Sofie's quest for the truth gets her into hot water—and a pair of cement overshoes. It's not her best look.

What would the world be without light, fluffy books that make us laugh?  Though the Sofie Metropolis series is not a deeply intense book you can't bear to put down - so what?  Sometimes life requires a book that can be put down, picked up, and put down again without causing headaches.

The writing team of Tony Karayianni and wife Lori Schlachter-Karayianni have penned another enjoyable mystery for us in Dirty Laundry.  I love a series for the way it swivels.  Let me explain.  Our main girl Sofie lives in a neighborhood full of people that we are going to slowly get to know throughout the series.  In the first book we got a close look at her own family unit, in particular her mother and her mother's friends.  In this book, we get up close and personal with some of Sofie's past school mates, the local butcher and the dry cleaner's establishment in her town, Astoria.  With a series, the authors are going to swivel our focus from person to person but keep it within the setting of Astoria like a kalidescope-a colourful treat for us as readers.

As I predicted in my review of book one the sprinkled romance storyline between Sofie and Jake gets a bit of hot spotlight but nothing serious.  A mini-move forward enough that we feel there has been progress for our main gal in the love department.

Recently my daughter gave me a great homemade bookmark.  On the back it says, "I hope that whenever you read you always laugh.  It has to be funny."  For a 10 year old she hit the nail right on the head.  Dirty Laundry was a funny book and if you need a subtle, lightweight and amusing interlude from life I'd recommend Sofie Metropolis any day.

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